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欣盛盟五金制品有限公司是专业生产出口学生椅、办公椅的厂家。 本公司之经营管理者在初期就采用国外先进的管理办法管理工厂。 尽管市场竞争激烈,一直以来我们始终抱持着一个踏实的经营理念,亦即唯有合理的价格、良好的品质和准时的交期,才能作到真正的“客户满意”,我们也将不断尽所能去达成。 目前,我们一直实ISO9001国际质量保证体系并于2001年荣获次项证书。高素质的品保人员与精密的检验设备,确保制品品质稳定,产品品质采用美国BIFMA标准规格控制、零件测试控制、控管人员控制、成品测试控制。 回顾昨天曾做过什么,留意今天如何做得更好,展望明天还需要做些什么,基于这样的强烈愿望,我们欣然推出此本《产品手册》热心奉献给您们。 学习和借鉴同行的宝贵经验,追求和引导世界椅业的最新潮流,不断创新现代企业文化,是我们不懈的追求和动力的源泉,愿它能成为您了解欣盛盟,认可欣盛盟和联络欣盛盟的窗口。 能有机会把我们介绍给您们,是我们的荣幸,我们将豪情满怀,昂首阔步,紧跟最新时代脉动,本着信守承诺,真诚服务保证品质,求实创新的一贯作风。 热忱欢迎越来越多的客户莅临我厂参观指导,合作交流,同谋大业。 Xin Sheng Meng Metals Products Co,. Ltd. is an export professional manufacturer specializing in producting students chairs and office chairs. Ever since the estabishment of the company, operations have adopted the foreign advanced plant management method. Dispite of fierce competition, we have long upheld a down -to -earth spirit, as we believe that the "Customes Satisfaction" is the golden rule and only achieved through the sound Price、 Qulity and Delivery, And we will always make the best of our efforts to achieve it. Nowadays, our campany have being carried through the ISO9001 System and achieved the certification in 2001, highly qualified QC staff with sophisticated inspection equipment to ensure continuous product quality of the highest level. In product quality controls, we adopt the USA BIFMA standard spection controls, part testing controls, chairs checks, and testing controls of the finished product. Looking back we had done, paying attention to how to do better at the present, looking forward to what will do other something necessary in future. To learn and use for reforence from persons of the same trade, to go after and lead the newest trend of the chairs-making world and to bring forth new ideas in modern company culture, all these are our hot pursuit and power resuorse. We hope this webside can become a window and act on your knowing of us, your ackonwledging us and your contacting us. It would be our pleasure to introduce factory to you,According to keeping a promise, genuine service, quality assurance and such a practical and realistic style of work, we will keep in step with the newest times and be full of pride, enthusiasm and fight to create new era of the chair-making world, to win the support and special care giving by thousands of customers for ever. We appreciate that more and more customers would visit our factory and could give us the chance to direct with us, cooperate with us, exchange and technology with us and go forward with you for seeking great cause hand in hand.

